V: 2723 fps OAL: 3.340″ | Created: June 21, 2015 by Bullet-blog
[if 1693][1693]gr [1685] [1687][/if 1693] / 65.5gr Hodgdon VARGET / Winchester #8-1/2M Primer / Winchester New Brass
.300 Win Mag
V: 2725 fps OAL: 3.340″ | Created: June 21, 2015 by Bullet-blog
[if 1693][1693]gr [1685] [1687][/if 1693] / 67.0gr IMR 4831 / Winchester #8-1/2 Primer / Winchester New Brass
.300 Win Mag
V: 2678 fps OAL: 3.340″ | Created: June 21, 2015 by Bullet-blog
[if 1693][1693]gr [1685] [1687][/if 1693] / 68.7gr Alliant Reloder 19 / Winchester #8-1/2 Primer / Winchester New Brass
.300 Win Mag
V: 2673 fps OAL: 3.340″ | Created: June 21, 2015 by Bullet-blog
[if 1693][1693]gr [1685] [1687][/if 1693] / 70.5gr Hodgdon H4831 / Remington 9-1/2 Primer / Winchester New Brass
.300 Win Mag
V: 2683 fps OAL: 3.340″ | Created: June 21, 2015 by Bullet-blog
[if 1693][1693]gr [1685] [1687][/if 1693] / 69.7gr Alliant Reloder 22 / Winchester #8-1/2 Primer / Winchester New Brass
.300 Win Mag
V: 2652 fps OAL: 3.340″ | Created: June 21, 2015 by Bullet-blog
[if 1693][1693]gr [1685] [1687][/if 1693] / 70.7gr IMR 7828 / Winchester #8-1/2 Primer / Winchester New Brass
.300 Win Mag
V: 2773 fps OAL: 3.340″ | Created: June 21, 2015 by Bullet-blog
[if 1693][1693]gr [1685] [1687][/if 1693] / 74.5gr Alliant Reloder 25 / Winchester #8-1/2 Primer / Winchester New Brass
.300 Win Mag
V: 2620 fps OAL: 3.340″ | Created: June 21, 2015 by Bullet-blog
[if 1693][1693]gr [1685] [1687][/if 1693] / 75.0gr Hodgdon H1000 / Winchester #8-1/2 Primer / Winchester New Brass
[/column] [/row]
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