The .17 Javelina (AKA: .17 Hempalina) is a Center Fire cartridge with a Bullet Diameter of 0.172 in” (4.37mm) that is primarily used in Rifles. The .17 Javelina originated in The United States in (UNKNOWN DATE). The .17 Javelina also has a case length of 1.53 in” (38.86mm) and an overall length of 1.85 in” (46.99mm).
Additional Cartridge Designations: Wildcat Cartridge.
Cartridge Details
- Origin:
- Cartridge Type:
- Application:
- Bullet Diameter:
- Neck Diameter:
- Shoulder Diameter:
- Base Diameter:
- Rim Diameter:
- Rim Thickness:
- Case Length:
- Overall Length:
- Case Capacity:
- Primer:
- The United States
- Rimless, Bottleneck
- Rifles
- 0.172 in” (4.37mm)
- 0.201 in” (5.11mm)
- 0.353 in” (8.97mm)
- 0.374 in” (9.5mm)
- 0.378 in” (9.6mm)
- 0.045 in” (1.14mm)
- 1.53 in” (38.86mm)
- 1.85 in” (46.99mm)
- 21.75 gr H20 (1.41 cm3)
- Center Fire (Small Rifle)
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NOTE: This Firearms Cartridge Library is currently in BETA and may not contain complete information or data. The data displayed here by Bullet-Blog is for information use only and should not be used as a reference for reloading live ammunition. When consulting the information on this site or any other information source regarding firearms or ammunition, always compare information against a second or third reference such as a trusted industry authority or reloading manual. Use information here at your own risk.
* Relative to ruler-scaled image above. Size will vary by screen and device used for viewing.